Our residency offers a Rural Family Medicine residency rotation.
Our faculty have positions with A&M and UT currently.
If we do not have an affiliation agreement with you school NO PROBLEM! We can set one up.
We are excited about your interest in our program. Our Faculty have been working with medical students since before our Residency began. We pride ourselves on providing an opportunity to give you a deeper understanding of the role a family medicine doc plays in a patient’s life. We also want to show you our amazing residency family!
Third Year Students
As a third year medical student you will work mostly in the clinic setting. We have a brand new residency Clinic that was establish in 2017.
The goal of this rotation is to provide a realistic example of the broad spectrum of services offered by family medicine. Your schedule will be based on who is in clinic. It may be with a faculty member of a resident. Your evaluation will be done by your designated faculty member.
Fourth Year Students
With Residency right around the corner we want to offer a Rural Family Medicine rotation that gives an in depth experience of what residency is like. You will spend your time in Ambulatory and In-patient. our ambulatory clinic exposes students to numerous important and stimulating facets of outpatient family practice, including caring for:
- Newborns and expectant mothers
- Healthy children and adults requiring preventive vaccines, screening and education on wellness
- Complicated medical and surgical patients transitioning from acute and intensive care
- Underserved patients needing community resources
- Geriatric, hospice and palliative care patients
We also involve our students in daily morning report and weekly didactic sessions including grand rounds, morbidity and mortality conferences, journal club, and peer reviewed board review lectures.
Our in-patient team will bring you along as they visit patients during morning rounds. You will be expected to present patients to both residents and faculty. Our rotations are fun but, you will work hard. Our residents and faculty will push you to be better.
If the MATCH did not go well or you are just taking a year off, this is the place for you. We offer an observership with our faculty and residents. The observership would involve shadowing in our ambulatory setting and in in-patient. You will be expected to present at didactics and morning report. This observership will involve call and weekends. This will also be considered an audition rotation. The residents and faculty will be evaluating you to decide if you would make a good fit to our program. This rotation does not guarantee an interview but it is a step in the right direction!
Criteria for Observership
- Be a U.S. Citizen or a permanent U.S. resident. Our residency program does not sponsor any type of visa.
- Have graduated from medical school within the last 5 years.
- Meet the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners licensing requirements prior to acceptance. You must be a graduate of an accredited school of medicine or osteopathic school, and it must be listed on the Texas State Board of Medical Examiner’s list of approved schools.
- Be proficient in spoken and written English language.